The National Association of Realtors Lawsuit Breakdown

The New York Times published an article discussing whether home sellers are now required to pay the buyer’s broker. Let’s clear things up—no, you don’t have to pay the buyer’s broker. But here’s the thing: you never had to. However, it’s in your best interest to do so.

Why Do Sellers Pay the Buyer’s Agent?

Think back to when you bought your home. Did you personally pay your real estate agent to show you houses, negotiate for you, or guide you through the process? Probably not. The reason? The seller’s agent shared their commission with your agent.

When you decide to sell your home, you’ll sit down with your listing agent and agree on a commission—let’s say 6%. That commission isn’t just for your agent; they use it as an incentive to other agents in the community. They’re saying, “Hey, if you bring me a qualified buyer, I’ll share my commission with you.”

So, nothing extra comes out of your pocket. The commission you agreed to pay your agent is simply being split to help get your home sold faster.

What Happens If You Don’t Offer a Commission to the Buyer’s Agent?

Technically, your agent could try to find a buyer on their own. But would it take longer? Most likely. Would you end up paying more in mortgage, taxes, and escrow while waiting for the right buyer? Absolutely.

By cooperating with buyer’s agents, you create a competitive environment that can lead to higher offers and a faster sale.

Think of It Like Recycling

I know this might sound like a strange comparison, but stick with me. When you buy a pack of soda or beer, you could return the bottles for cash. But most of us just toss them into the recycling bin. Someone else comes along, collects them, and gets the money we could have kept for ourselves.

When you bought your home, you benefited from not having to pay your buyer’s agent. Now, as a seller, wouldn’t you want the same for your children, your grandchildren, or future homebuyers struggling with rising prices?

It’s About Creating a Fair Market

At the end of the day, your agent is simply sharing compensation with the person who brings you the best, most qualified buyer. It’s not a trick, it’s not a scam—it’s just how real estate works to help homes sell faster and for top dollar.

I know this topic can feel overwhelming, but I want you to have all the facts so you can make an informed decision. If you have any questions or need guidance, reach out anytime—I’d love to help.

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